Careers in both artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are booming. Over the next decade, employment for computer and information research scientists — individuals who focus heavily on AI and ML processes — is estimated to grow 23% according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This emphasis on computational skills has employers searching for new employees who have skills in programming, digital troubleshooting, and other key tech strategies.

Aspiring AI and ML professionals have several possible educational options to choose from when pursuing tech education. Many students still prefer a traditional college degree, but that trend is quickly changing. Only 51% of Americans still see college as a very important requirement for success, as accelerated alternatives like bootcamp programs take hold.

In weeks instead of years, AI/ML bootcamp programs can deliver the same job-ready skills that many of the top college degree programs offer. And without the $104,000 average price tag of a college degree, AI/ML bootcamps help aspiring professionals fill positions in a quickly-evolving workforce — maximizing your return on education.

What is Return on Education?

Education is often considered one of the most valuable investments a person can make in their life. It not only broadens our horizons and enhances personal growth but also significantly impacts our earning potential and career prospects. In recent years, the concept of "Return on Education" (ROE) has gained prominence as a way to measure the value and effectiveness of educational investments.

Return on Education, often abbreviated as ROE, is a financial concept that measures the financial benefits or returns generated from an individual's investment in education. It is similar to the well-known financial metric, Return on Investment (ROI), which calculates the gains or profits from an investment relative to its cost. ROE, however, specifically focuses on the educational investment and its impact on a person's income and career advancement.

Why Does ROE Matter?

ROE is a crucial concept for several reasons:

  • Economic impact: Education is a significant driver of economic growth and prosperity. Individuals with higher levels of education tend to earn more income, contribute more to the economy, and are less likely to rely on social welfare programs.
  • Informed decision-making: Understanding your ROE can help you make informed decisions about your education. It can guide you in choosing the right educational path, whether it's pursuing a college degree, vocational training, or online courses.
  • Debt management: Many people finance their education through loans, and assessing ROE can help you manage your student loan debt responsibly. It can help you determine whether the potential increase in income justifies the cost of borrowing.
  • Lifelong learning: ROE is not limited to formal education. It can also apply to continuous learning and skill development throughout your career. Lifelong learning can enhance your skills and keep you competitive in the job market.

How Can I Calculate ROE?

Calculating your personal ROE involves evaluating the costs of your education and the financial benefits it has provided. Here's a simplified formula to get you started:

ROE = (Lifetime Earnings Increase Due to Education - Total Educational Costs) / Total Educational Costs

  1. Lifetime earnings increase: Estimate how much more you expect to earn over your working life as a result of your education. This should include factors like higher starting salaries, salary growth, and potential promotions.
  2. Total educational costs: Add up all the costs associated with your education, including tuition, books, fees, and any student loan interest.

Example: If you spent $40,000 on a college degree and anticipate earning $400,000 more over your lifetime because of that degree, your ROE would be:

ROE = ($400,000 - $40,000) / $40,000 = 900%

In this example, your return on education would be 900%, indicating that your investment in education has provided a substantial financial benefit.

How Can I Maximize My ROE?

To maximize your return on education, consider these strategies:

  • Choose your education wisely: Select educational programs and courses that align with your career goals and interests. Research potential careers and industries to identify in-demand skills.
  • Pursue financial aid: Be mindful of the cost of education. Explore scholarships, grants, and financial aid options to reduce the financial burden. Create a budget to manage expenses during your education.
  • Leverage your network: Build a professional network during your education and throughout your career. Networking can open doors to job opportunities and career advancement.
  • Engage in continuous learning opportunities: Stay current in your field by pursuing ongoing education and skill development. This can lead to higher ROE over time as you adapt to changing job markets.

Return on Education (ROE) is a valuable concept that helps students assess the financial benefits of their educational investments. It can help you decide which bootcamp to pursue, which skills to learn, and when to take the next steps in your education.

The AI/ML industry is a prime example of how education can lead to a high ROE. The demand for AI/ML professionals continues to soar, with opportunities in fields like data science, machine learning engineering, and artificial intelligence research. To embark on this promising journey, many individuals are enrolling in AI/ML bootcamps like the one offered by Pace.

Pace's AI/ML bootcamp is designed to equip aspiring professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the AI/ML industry. Let's take a closer look at how this bootcamp can lead to a high ROE:

  • Self-paced learning: Pace's AI/ML bootcamp offers a flexible, self-paced learning environment. This means that learners can tailor their educational experience to fit their schedules, allowing them to balance work, family, and other commitments while acquiring new skills.
  • One-on-one Sessions with career mentors: One of the standout features of Pace's program is the opportunity to engage in one-on-one sessions with experienced career mentors. These mentors provide personalized guidance, helping learners navigate their career paths, set goals, and develop a clear roadmap to success.
  • Industry-recognized certification: Upon completing the AI/ML bootcamp, participants receive an industry-recognized certification. This certification not only validates their skills but also makes them stand out to potential employers, increasing their chances of securing rewarding job opportunities.

The benefits of Pace's AI/ML bootcamp extend beyond the piece of paper. Participants gain hands-on experience through real-world projects, build a professional network, and develop a portfolio showcasing their work. These aspects contribute significantly to their overall ROE by preparing them for the challenges and opportunities in the AI/ML field.